Did you know that the global church is only a few years away from fulfilling Jesus’ command to “make disciples of every nation?” And that Jesus explicitly linked his return to the completion of that task?
In And Then the End Will Come, Douglas Cobb, founder of the Finishing Fund, provides a front-line account of the effort to finish Jesus’ Great Commission in our lifetimes. He also explores nine other Biblical clues that Jesus is coming soon, including:
the approaching 2000-year anniversary of the resurrection,
the regathering of Israel,
and the prophecies of Daniel 12
He makes the case that the return of Christ is at hand—perhaps in the next year or two, perhaps a little later, but surely soon. And he offers practical instruction about what it means to “live holy and godly lives” as we look for the coming of our Lord and King.
If you’re discouraged about the craziness you see in the world today, And Then the End Will Come will offer you hope for better things that are coming soon—things so great the Bible says no one can even imagine how awesome they will be.

Doug takes a humble and holistic approach to exploring what the Bible teaches about the return of Christ. I love that this book doesn’t get lost in the eschatological weeds and that it doesn’t just convey information, but it explores the implications of how we must live, love and lead as the end draws near.
KYLE IDLEMAN, Senior Pastor, Southeast Christian Church, Author of Not a Fan
Do you need to be encouraged?
This book is for any believer who wants to dive in to scripture and explore the clues that Jesus is returning soon. Understand the context for the craziness and chaos you see around you and how they herald the exciting future ahead.
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Leader’s Guide: Seven-week curriculum for a small group study of And Then the End Will Come
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Videos: Accompany the Leader’s Guide and provide an overview of each week’s lesson.
“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14

Douglas Cobb
Douglas Cobb is the managing partner of the Finishing Fund, whose mission is to “make disciples of every nation” by the end of 2022. Doug and his wife, Gena, are members of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, where he teaches the Word by Word Sunday school class and serves as an elder.
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I’ve known Doug Cobb for thirty years. He is the real deal. You will be blessed and encouraged by sitting at Doug’s feet, and his thoroughly researched and biblical book will fill you with hope that ‘doesn’t disappoint.’
PAUL MILLER, Author of A Praying Life and J-Curve

And Then the End Will Come is so needed for times like these. This biblically based, easy-to-follow study of the second coming deepens confidence in the truth of God’s Word, inspires hope in desperate times, motivates us to holy living, and reignites the fires of evangelism. Be encouraged by it while you ‘wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.’